
邱永中 Chiu, Yung-Chung


As a lecturer in the Department of Commercial Design, Professor Chiu emphasized that he does not like overly rational, conventional, or rigid styles. He believes that similarities are shared between him and the students, where they are all deeply inspired by everyday life to constantly absorb diverse inspirations. Creativity and the resistance against rigid devotion to rules rather introduced abundant elements to his thinking. For Professor Chiu, the aesthetic sense and talent of an artist are within the DNA, where a unique style can surely be cultivated through diligent study and the accumulation of aesthetic experiences.





The emotional dedication of a mentor builds the path of mutual growth with the students

Without teaching courses in the freshman year, he was unable to spend time with students in close proximity during regular class hours. Therefore, Professor Chiu who loves paintball would organize paintball contests. This ice-breaking approach has stimulated the cohesion of the class for freshmen who just became a part of the class, which also instantly turned the atmosphere warmer in the class. He even invited the students to his home in groups to enjoy meals prepared by his wife, particularly during the Christmas season, where the time shared together further fostered the bond between him and the students.

Professor Chiu shared a story on the memories of the last outing with the graduating students. The students’ reactions were different from before during that outing, where the overall atmosphere was somewhat subdued after boarding the tour bus. This change made Professor Chiu feel somewhat sad, especially as he reminisced about the lively atmosphere and interactions with the students when they were still in their freshman year.

Even so, he was still grateful, knowing that the fourth-year students were busy with the preparations for the graduation exhibitions. He was thankful to the students as they sacrificed the time to complete their assignments just to cherish the last remaining times together. He received countless appreciations from the students for the mentors’ evaluations at the end of the semester. Such experience made Professor Chiu realize that there are always two sides to everything, and what you see may not be the entirety of the situation. This is like the meaning contained within a piece of artwork, which is not just what you see on the exterior.





The Path of Art: Where Passion and Challenge Meet

Students who choose to major in the Department of Commercial Design usually start from a sincere passion deep within. However, when such passion is faced with various types of pressure over time, can it still maintain its original heat?

When faced with the constant challenges of needing to generate new inspiration and ideas, as well as the pressure to continuously improve their painting skills, the students must complete a large volume of assignments within a limited period of time while also receiving professional guidance from their teachers. The role of a mentor thus becomes of vital importance under such circumstances. Through regular communication, whether discussing future plans or conquering current challenges together, the mentor’s assistance will become invaluable and meaningful as long as the student is willing to seek it.

Students will be faced with critics from all fields on this path of art. Other than having unique artistic skills with the use of individual styles, one must also cultivate a tolerant mindset at the same time. “Learning how to deal with setbacks” is a winding road filled with ups and downs, as well as unpredictable obstacles. However, these challenges will make you more resilient, able to take on the pressure and cultivate the ability to solve problems. In this ever-changing era, Professor Chiu encouraged the students at the end of the interview: “We can easily get lost in constant changes, yet also caring way too much about the present feelings. When faced with other people’s critics and your own beliefs, the students should find a stable approach to settle the heart.”