
楊大毅 Yang,Ta-I


● 課程抽象知識具體化,以幫助學生瞭解與吸收。且雲端化,使學習不受時空限制。

● 測驗複雜化與模糊化,防止學生死背知識,培養其分析、推理與歸納能力。

● 知識應用生活化,藉此培養學生隨時隨地思考與創造。且有趣性與可應用性,可有效增進學生的學習動機。

● 課程結合社會脈動,使學生學習到可用於當今與未來產業之就業力。

● 以學生為本,積極關懷與其建立互動關係,並以良師益友的身份,培養其自學能力,幫助實現其理想。

• Concretize abstract knowledge in the curriculum to help students understand and absorb it. Utilize cloud technology to make learning independent of time and space constraints.

• Complicate and blur assessments to prevent rote memorization and instead foster analytical, reasoning, and inductive abilities in students.

• Apply knowledge to real-life scenarios to cultivate students’ ability to think and create anytime, anywhere. Ensuring both interest and applicability can effectively enhance students’ motivation to learn.

• Integrate current social trends into the curriculum to equip students with employability skills relevant to today’s and future industries.

• Prioritize student-centered approaches, actively engage with them to establish interactive relationships, and serve as both mentors and friends to nurture their self-learning abilities and help them realize their aspirations.