College of Humanities and Education - The Undergraduate Program in College of Humanities and Education
About US

The Undergraduate Program in College of Humanities and Education was established in 2018. This program is also called the Undergraduate Program in Digital Humanities. As the name suggests, this is a degree program that brings together digital technologies and the disciplines of the humanities. The program focuses on training language/education professionals by bringing digital tools into the study of the humanities, and on enhancing students’ abilities to learn independently and think creatively and critically.

Two types of courses are offered in the program: Fundamental and advanced courses. Fundamental courses include basic programming, foundation of digital humanities and multimedia, and briefing and expression skill training. Advanced courses include courses in the area of aesthetics, music industry, and electrical engineering and computer science.


The mission of this degree program is to create an interdisciplinary learning environment to facilitate and enhance students' development of multiple professional skills so that students can be better equipped to meet the need of the outside world.


The objectives of this degree program are twofold: 1) to provide interdisciplinary courses to enhance interdisciplinary learning and facilitate the development of multiple professional skills, and 2) to create internship opportunities for students to work with and learn from professionals in the relevant career fields so as to allow for better combination of theory and practice.

Future Prospects

The program aims at providing more diverse and practical courses and internships in the years to come.


For students to receive the degree, the following credits are required:

Required Courses: 20 Credits

General Education Courses: 34 Credits

Basic Courses (one of the following modules): 36 Credits

  1. Applied Linguistics and Language Study Module
  2. Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Module
  3. Special Education Module
  4. Music Industry Module

Advanced Course (one of the following modules): 18 Credits

  1. Aesthetics Module
  2. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Module

Free Electives: 20 Credits

Total Credits: 128


Not available now


Required Credits for Graduation
Course Type Credits
Required Courses 20
General Education Courses 34
Basic Courses 36
Advanced Courses 18
Free Electives 20
Total 128


Not available now


Given the interdisciplinary nature of this degree program, faculty members of the program are from the College of Humanities and Education, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and College of Design.

Promotional video: